Amazon’s interesting play with their new stores.

Hey look Amazon is in the news again! Surprise surprise. They just announced their first Fresh grocery store – click here for article. On the surface it appears to be a traditional grocery store, but with a number of technological goodies from Amazon. From Amazon Echos allowing patrons to ask for directions and help in the aisles to smart shopping carts that allow for frictionless transactions. Of course all this can be tied to the customers’ Prime account. It is almost as if Amazon was looking to combine the online experience to the brick and mortar world. So is there something beyond simply grocery shopping here? Absolutely.

Bezos always has some secondary goals with his efforts. Other than world domination. Let’s go beyond the fact Amazon wants to capture even more of your household spend. This concept grocery store is an opening to more micro-fulfillment centers for Amazon. Amazon is known for opening mega fulfillment centers to service geographic areas. These distribution centers are sprinkled across the country, with the idea in mind to ensure customers are within easy reach of an Amazon fulfillment center. If you want to see where the centers are located, check out this wiki page. But what about getting into denser population centers. Where having a massive distribution center might not be optimal? What about having a micro-fulfillment center where consumers are trained to interact with automation? Hmmmm….exactly.

These Fresh grocery stores will allow Amazon to offer a location for their

Amazon Shopping Cart - AppleMagazine

customers to get groceries and pick up or return orders. They have an opportunity to interact face to face with these customers. Amazon will also be able to fulfill online grocery orders within the store. Adding the automated grocery cart mimics similar technology leveraged in traditional warehouses where eaches picking is done with automation. Could Amazon leverage the automated shopping carts to do order picking when the store was closed to the public…or even where the store was live. Amazon could basically flip between a traditional grocery store and a micro-fulfillment, warehouse lite. The technology could empower more sophisticated home delivery or BOPAC (buy online pick up at curb) from the store. Amazon could also leverage these facilities to train consumers to interact with more in store automation. Consumers would be introduced to the automated shopping carts. A shopping cart that could guide the consumer through their shopping lists. Next step would be getting used to having other automated devices doing replenishment, cleaning, stock counting or security within the store.

These new store concepts are not simply about getting you to buy groceries from Amazon. They could prove to be the beginning of new play from Amazon to create more micro-fulfillment centers and introduce more automation into the shopping experience. So the ecommerce giant continues to expand its brick and mortar presence. How times continue to change!

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